Cancel your Qello Concerts subscription
At Qello Concerts, you can cancel your subscription at any time and easily renew your subscription if you choose to come back in the future.
If you’re billed through Stingray directly (The Stingray Store, PayPal, and Apple Pay) and would like to cancel your subscription (steps may vary for subscribers billed through a third party:
- Head to your account page on a computer (we recommend using Google Chrome) or mobile device. You may be prompted to log in to your Qello Concerts account.
- Visit your subscriptions page:
- On mobile, tap on the Account drop-down menu at the top and tap on Subscriptions
- On a computer, click on Subscriptions in the left-hand menu
- Next to your Qello Concerts subscription, click Manage
- A new tab will open up with your billing details.
- Click Cancel Subscription in the Subscription box:
After you've canceled your billing, you will see an expiration date for the subscription. You will keep access to Qello Concerts until the end of the billing cycle as indicated with your expiration date.
Third Party Billing
If you pay for Qello Concerts through one of the 3rd parties listed below, the cancellation steps will vary. Please select your billing party for specific steps to cancel your subscription:
Qello Concerts through your Cable provider
Having trouble?
If you run into any issues while attempting to cancel your Qello Concerts account, please contact us for further assistance. Keep in mind that viewers who pay for Qello Concerts through a third party may need to contact their billing partner directly.